It's between 8.30 and 9.00 pm when me and my girlfriends meet at Noohn on a Friday night, where else? Since its opening, Noohn has had me and my friends as very trustful good customers...especially when it comes to prosecco!
Now, my friends also call me Lady Prosecco, first of all I am italian and secondly I love it;-)
But I almost forgot all about my prosecco when I was in Australia! Unfortunately australians don't know Prosecco very well, so instead of ordering Prosecco you just order Sparkling wine or Champagne.
Of course there is a price difference if you order Champagne, therefore you just go for a bottle of sparkling wine, no label (something I only saw in Australia so far)!
Another important point to make about Noohn is the loss of good management.
What happens is that me and my friends meet in the self service area part, where you need to go and pay for your drinks at the cashier first, get the jetons and order at the bar.
Now this long procedure does not make sense for me, it turns that customers are queuing for no reason, would be good to instruct people at the bar to be more efficient in order to avoid senseless queuing!